Jogos do Mutante Rex - Corredor Nanite - Corra o mais rápido e mais distante que puder com o herói Rex da série Mutante Rex do canal de televisão por assinatura Cartoon Network. Use as setas do teclado para voar e atirar enquanto o agente da Providência corre sem parar. Divirta-se neste jogo online de ação do seriado anime Mutante Rex do CN.
Generator Rex Games: Nanite Runner - Run as fast and far as you can with the hero of the Generator Rex Cartoon Network series. Use the arrow keys to fly and shoot as the agent of Providence running hard. Enjoy this online game of action inspired by the anime series Generator Rex. Rex Salazar leaps into action as he faces numerous kinds of alien E.V.O.s.
Fonte: Cartoon Network
Generator Rex Games: Nanite Runner - Run as fast and far as you can with the hero of the Generator Rex Cartoon Network series. Use the arrow keys to fly and shoot as the agent of Providence running hard. Enjoy this online game of action inspired by the anime series Generator Rex. Rex Salazar leaps into action as he faces numerous kinds of alien E.V.O.s.
Fonte: Cartoon Network